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[PNZ]⋙ Libro Gratis IBM and the Holocaust The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America Most Powerful CorporationExpanded Edition eBook Edwin Black

IBM and the Holocaust The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America Most Powerful CorporationExpanded Edition eBook Edwin Black

Download As PDF : IBM and the Holocaust The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America Most Powerful CorporationExpanded Edition eBook Edwin Black

Download PDF  IBM and the Holocaust The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America Most Powerful CorporationExpanded Edition eBook Edwin Black

IBM and the Holocaust is the award-winning, New York Times bestselling shocker--a million copies in print--detailing IBM's conscious co-planning and co-organizing of the Holocaust for the Nazis, all micromanaged by its president Thomas J Watson from New York and Paris. This Expanded Edition offers 37 pages of previous unpublished documents, pictures, internal company correspondence, and other archival materials to produce an even more explosive volume. Originally published to extraordinary praise in 2001, this provocative, award-winning international bestseller has stood the test of time as it chronicles the story of IBM's strategic alliance with Nazi Germany. IBM and the Holocaust provides nothing less than a chilling investigation into corporate complicity. Edwin Black's monumental research exposes how IBM and its subsidiaries helped create enabling technologies for the Nazis, step-by-step, from the identification and cataloging programs of the 1930s to the selections of the 1940s.

IBM and the Holocaust The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America Most Powerful CorporationExpanded Edition eBook Edwin Black

As a lifelong computer programmer raised in Silicon Valley, user of several punch-card-based IBM computers,
and aware of IBM's general history, I was very surprised when I first heard that the tattooed numbers on holocaust
victims' arms were ID numbers used in IBM data bases (based on punched cards, not full-purpose computers).
That revelation eventually led me to this book, which is THE book on the subject; no others even come close.

The author of this book - himself the son of two holocaust survivors - was also unaware of this connection as a boy
when his parents took him to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in New York City, where a German IBM card punch
machine was positioned at the entrance to the museum, with no indication of its far-reaching usage by the Third Reich.
As an adult, Black researched this connection and found an amazing absence of information everywhere about it,
even among organizations and individuals who had done deep research into all aspects of the holocaust.
Black decided to expose the whole intimate complicity of IBM's revered president J D Watson with the Third Reich,
assisting Hitler in carrying out the business end of his mass imprisonments, slave-laboring and exterminations.
Despite the complete lack of cooperation from IBM in opening their files (to this date), Black went to other sources,
scattered all over Europe and the USA, to root out and correlate 20000 documents that, individually, seem almost routine,
but when arranged chronologically and correlated together, constitute an unassailable, damning testimony against Watson.
The unbelievable amount of time, travel, correspondence, and volunteer work involved spanned several years.

The author is painstakingly careful about quoting directly from actual source documents, so that denial is utterly futile.
It worked - IBM has never attempted to sue Black for libel, slander, fraud, etc, and avoided public comments as much as possible..
I now mention the topic and the book whenever I meet any other tech people in the SF area, who are still uniformly unaware of it.
I perceive that IBM could offer a valid justification that IBM punch cards were just that ("international business machines"),
and that prosecuting IBM for war crimes would be as unjust as prosecuting Underwood for selling typewriters to the Third Reich.
IBM was not selling Zyklon B, or secrets. or munitions materials - what's the problem?
But IBM knows that its deafening silence is its best strategy - if people start asking questions, Black's book is waiting for them.

Having recently read Black's entire book, I can offer my personal assessment of three relevant Wikipedia articles as of 06/17/2017.
Wikipedia article "IBM and the Holocaust" is a good summary of Black's book, but still hedges at several places, with phrases like
"Black argues", "Black asserts", "Black demonstrates", "Black reports", and "Black charges".
The Wikipedia article on "History of IBM" paints an innocent picture of Watson, but does close with a paragraph on Black's book,
although the final sentence deceptively implies Black says that IBM's complicity ended with the US declaration of war. He doesn't.
The Wikipedia article on "IBM" reduces IBM's involvement with the Third Reich to half of one sentence.

IBM's involvement in the holocaust is a towering example of the dark side of "business as usual" in America. Read it.

Product details

  • File Size 16796 KB
  • Print Length 532 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Dialog Press (November 30, 2012)
  • Publication Date November 30, 2012
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read  IBM and the Holocaust The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America Most Powerful CorporationExpanded Edition eBook Edwin Black

Tags : IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation-Expanded Edition - Kindle edition by Edwin Black. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation-Expanded Edition.,ebook,Edwin Black,IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation-Expanded Edition,Dialog Press,History Holocaust
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IBM and the Holocaust The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America Most Powerful CorporationExpanded Edition eBook Edwin Black Reviews

If you have any interest whatsoever in 20th century history you should buy this book. It is not only worth reading, it is worth re-reading several times. It is one thing to be amazed as to how data processing technology can be applied to eliminate an entire people. It is something else to realize just how much easier it would be to repeat this using modern computers. Edwin Black takes a subject, the presentation of which might be a boring recitation of endless statistics and details, and makes it the sort of book you just have to read another chapter before you put it down.
You want a depressing fascinating read, this is your book. I like computers, and I like Holocaust history, and this is a wallop of both of them. Really shows you how IBM played both sides before, during, and after the Holocaust, so that they could maximize their profits and keep one foot in Germany and one foot in the USA the whole time. All thanks to punch cards.
This book should be required reading for every American. It is well-written and compelling. It delivers on many levels. IBM's complicity with Hitler's cause does not describe it properly. The Nazis could not have accomplished what they did on such a deep and stunningly efficient level without IBM's help. How was this allowed to happen in the first place? How was it so well concealed? Thank you for informing me. You want "free trade" with no regulations? Well, Thomas Watson was just a pure capitalist following the most profitable path. This is but one reason for sensible regulation. BTW, IBM was not the only collaborator during that era. The more I learn, the more I am shocked and amazed. Then, after The War, came Operation Paperclip. Many of the worst war criminals were brought over, not just for NASA, but for our intelligence community. Ironically, it was vital for NASA, but the intelligence community portion was certainly a deal with the devil...
The author carefully documented the light he shined on the infuriating dark past of certain players of our country. When I think of the sacrifices of my Dad drafted at 18 to fight in Germany--and indeed all good hearted Americans be they soldiers or family left behind--to find out that life sucking greed and to some extent US government complicity made much of the Nazi horrors a reality and enabled their implementation I am stunned. Stunned is not even the right word.
As long as there was money to be made these heartless people cared nothing at all for the sad fate of millions of murdered people-Jews, and anyone who opposed the Nazi machine. My Dad helped shut down one concentration camp-the people in the town had looked the other way as the Nazi criminals had carried out their plans. This book is all about looking the other way.

Someone once remarked to me that if corporations were people they would be psychopaths, and I could surely agree in this case. Sickening!
As a lifelong computer programmer raised in Silicon Valley, user of several punch-card-based IBM computers,
and aware of IBM's general history, I was very surprised when I first heard that the tattooed numbers on holocaust
victims' arms were ID numbers used in IBM data bases (based on punched cards, not full-purpose computers).
That revelation eventually led me to this book, which is THE book on the subject; no others even come close.

The author of this book - himself the son of two holocaust survivors - was also unaware of this connection as a boy
when his parents took him to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in New York City, where a German IBM card punch
machine was positioned at the entrance to the museum, with no indication of its far-reaching usage by the Third Reich.
As an adult, Black researched this connection and found an amazing absence of information everywhere about it,
even among organizations and individuals who had done deep research into all aspects of the holocaust.
Black decided to expose the whole intimate complicity of IBM's revered president J D Watson with the Third Reich,
assisting Hitler in carrying out the business end of his mass imprisonments, slave-laboring and exterminations.
Despite the complete lack of cooperation from IBM in opening their files (to this date), Black went to other sources,
scattered all over Europe and the USA, to root out and correlate 20000 documents that, individually, seem almost routine,
but when arranged chronologically and correlated together, constitute an unassailable, damning testimony against Watson.
The unbelievable amount of time, travel, correspondence, and volunteer work involved spanned several years.

The author is painstakingly careful about quoting directly from actual source documents, so that denial is utterly futile.
It worked - IBM has never attempted to sue Black for libel, slander, fraud, etc, and avoided public comments as much as possible..
I now mention the topic and the book whenever I meet any other tech people in the SF area, who are still uniformly unaware of it.
I perceive that IBM could offer a valid justification that IBM punch cards were just that ("international business machines"),
and that prosecuting IBM for war crimes would be as unjust as prosecuting Underwood for selling typewriters to the Third Reich.
IBM was not selling Zyklon B, or secrets. or munitions materials - what's the problem?
But IBM knows that its deafening silence is its best strategy - if people start asking questions, Black's book is waiting for them.

Having recently read Black's entire book, I can offer my personal assessment of three relevant Wikipedia articles as of 06/17/2017.
Wikipedia article "IBM and the Holocaust" is a good summary of Black's book, but still hedges at several places, with phrases like
"Black argues", "Black asserts", "Black demonstrates", "Black reports", and "Black charges".
The Wikipedia article on "History of IBM" paints an innocent picture of Watson, but does close with a paragraph on Black's book,
although the final sentence deceptively implies Black says that IBM's complicity ended with the US declaration of war. He doesn't.
The Wikipedia article on "IBM" reduces IBM's involvement with the Third Reich to half of one sentence.

IBM's involvement in the holocaust is a towering example of the dark side of "business as usual" in America. Read it.
Ebook PDF  IBM and the Holocaust The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America Most Powerful CorporationExpanded Edition eBook Edwin Black

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