This Green Hell Alex Hunter Book 3 (Audible Audio Edition) Greig Beck Sean Mangan Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd Books

Deep in the steaming jungles of Paraguay, Aimee Weir is in trouble. The petrobiologist has found what she was looking for - a unique microorganism in a natural gas deposit - but it proves to be more destructive than anyone could have imagined. A contagion is striking down all in its wake. The camp is quarantined, but workers start to vanish in the night.
Is it fear of contamination - or has something far more lethal come to the surface? Something that has been trapped beneath the miles of stone, waiting... for us.
Alex Hunter - code name Arcadian - and his Hotzone All-Forces Warfare Commandos must be dropped in to the disaster area to do whatever it takes to stem the outbreak. It has been a year since Aimee has seen Alex; she thought she had left him for good. Now she needs him more than ever.
In the sweltering jungles of South America, the Arcadian must learn to master his violent inner demons for this rescue mission to have any chance of success. But can he survive long enough to confront the danger that threatens the very survival of mankind?
This Green Hell Alex Hunter Book 3 (Audible Audio Edition) Greig Beck Sean Mangan Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd Books
Alex Hunter, code name Aracdian is back. And so too is Aimee Weir, the Arcadian's love interest from Beneath the Dark Ice. It takes a while for the action to kick off, with Alex Hunter (Arcadian) in transit for the first third of the book. This is the third in the Alex Hunter series and while the first two were a lot of fun this one really did take its time to get up a head of steam. There was some similarlity between the antagonist and the ancient evil from Dean Koontz Phantoms, but I was abe to forgive this pretty quickly. The ending apparent sets up for Black Mountain. The book contains a subplot about Alex Hunter and his relationship with his military doctors, which could provide some decent antagonism in future novels.While I was disappointed that the novel dragged initially, it was enjoyable to read. Beck writes with suspense and forboding. As I mentioned in my review of Dark Rising-high brow literature this ain't. Its pure escapism. Its the ideal remedy to a long day at work, school or uni and you want to get lost in a fun story. Once again, a good book for those as young as mid-teens who enjoy science fiction/action/horror. The book is probably a little too violent and profane for pre or early teens.
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Tags : This Green Hell: Alex Hunter, Book 3 (Audible Audio Edition): Greig Beck, Sean Mangan, Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd: Books, ,Greig Beck, Sean Mangan, Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd,This Green Hell: Alex Hunter, Book 3,Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd,B008L7WC14
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This Green Hell Alex Hunter Book 3 (Audible Audio Edition) Greig Beck Sean Mangan Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd Books Reviews
So far the books in this series have been swinging between okay and quite good. This one is okay. This time Alex Hunter meets up with Dr. Aimee Weir again. Naturally under somewhat dire circumstances. This time there are no caves. Well, at least not much caves. The scenery this time is the south American jungle where an ancient creature have been awaken.
The book takes a slightly different approach to the alien monster story in that it kind of combines a monster lurking in the jungle story with that of an unknown bacterial or virus outbreak. Well, it would be no good if it was “just” a virus would it because then Alex would not have much opportunity to show of his remarkable powers would he?
Of course Alex and his fellow HAWCs have a small arsenal of science-fictionesque high-tech equipment with them.
In general the book is okay. Apart from the slightly original story of Alex Hunter it is a fairly straightforward story in the genre. At some places it is quite predictable. Like, for instance, the radioactive equipment that was brought by specialist on contagious outbreaks. You did not really have to be much of a genius to figure that one out.
I think I liked the previous book a bit better though. I am not really too found of these rage attacks from Alex and even less found of this nonsense that the military scientists are supposedly planning to dissect him to find out the secret of his powers. If it was not for this dissecting crap I would have been rather disappointed about the ending in this book. Now, well I am still not too happy about it but I guess it was one way of solving the dissecting issue.
Anyway, I will wait until I have read the next book in the series to pass judgement on whether the direction in which this book went was good or bad. As a whole the book was fun enough to read that I will certainly read the next one as well.
"This Green Hell" is an excellent book-the 3rd in the 'ArcadianAlex Hunter' series. I have the 2nd book but skipped it so that I could see Alex & Aimee together again. It was a fantastic journey, with a bittersweet ending that's pushing me straight into "Black Mountain" before I go & read book 2.
As you can see in the description, an otherworldly "disease" is accidentally unleashed in the jungles while Dr. Aimee Weir is digging for gas. Suddenly all hell breaks loose, so in come the HAWCs, headed by Alex Hunter-a man known as the Arcadian due to his super natural powers resulting from an experiment that saved him from being a vegetable.
The action starts right away, the whole book was an intense and thrilling journey that began & ended in 24 hours for me. I loved having Aimee & Alex together again, enjoyed the new gadgets the HAWCs received, and shuddered at the horrific disease described in this book. My heart was racing at the end, and, luckily, "Black Mountain" is out because we leave the book with 1 foot on the edge of a cliff, and I personally would've been screaming if I couldn't have found out what happened next.
There's 1 flaw with this book, however sometimes when switching between characters, Beck wouldn't divide the switches with anything but a new paragraph, so I'd have to go back a few sentences to realize that, for instance, it was Franks & Mak talking instead of Sam. It was disorienting, and even a little asterisk, or new chapter would've been welcome to change up the character switch. There were also a few editing missteps. None of those mistakes were enough for me to dock the overall story a star, but they were worth mentioning.
I HIGHLY recommend this entire series for fans of James Rollins fans. Also recommended for readers who like action adventure, military mixed with science, fact mixed with fiction, or just plain well told tales. I'm starting, at 12 am, the next Alex Hunter book. I'm looking forward to staying up til about 2am getting a great start, as well!
2 Thumbs Up for Greig Beck!!
The author, creator of unforgettable monsters, has done it again. Another clever and almost undefeatable creature lurking in the impenetrable jungles of South America, together with an incurable fatal disease released from the depths of the earth, threatens a gas drilling operation. Green Berets are massacred and workers and soldiers disappear without a trace, as Alex Hunter, his HAWC team and CDC scientists try to stop the deadly infections and solve the mystery of the missing people.
Clear your calendar before you start this book, because you won’t want to put it down. And once you’ve read the descriptions of the human wreckage left in the wake of these mysterious events, you may want to feed and walk the dog early so you can finish the book before the shadows lengthen and the leaves start to rustle where there was no breeze.
I hope you will enjoy this book as much as I did, and I look forward to the next one.
Alex Hunter, code name Aracdian is back. And so too is Aimee Weir, the Arcadian's love interest from Beneath the Dark Ice. It takes a while for the action to kick off, with Alex Hunter (Arcadian) in transit for the first third of the book. This is the third in the Alex Hunter series and while the first two were a lot of fun this one really did take its time to get up a head of steam. There was some similarlity between the antagonist and the ancient evil from Dean Koontz Phantoms, but I was abe to forgive this pretty quickly. The ending apparent sets up for Black Mountain. The book contains a subplot about Alex Hunter and his relationship with his military doctors, which could provide some decent antagonism in future novels.
While I was disappointed that the novel dragged initially, it was enjoyable to read. Beck writes with suspense and forboding. As I mentioned in my review of Dark Rising-high brow literature this ain't. Its pure escapism. Its the ideal remedy to a long day at work, school or uni and you want to get lost in a fun story. Once again, a good book for those as young as mid-teens who enjoy science fiction/action/horror. The book is probably a little too violent and profane for pre or early teens.

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